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Vasp Virtual


  • All Vasp flights are carried out ONLINE on the VATSIM or IVAO Networks;
  • After the VA, the crew member must make their first flight within a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) calendar days. Failure to comply with this rule will result in exclusion, registration;
  • The pilot must respect his Rating, flying with the aircraft compatible with his license;
  • We use FS2004, FSX, Prepar3d, Xplane 11 and FS2020 Simulators
  • All components of Vasp Virtual must follow the rules of the Networks they are flying. Any problem within the scope of the Simulation Networks must be communicated in advance to the respective managers of each Network;
  • Our Career Plan consists of 6 Ratings that will be obtained according to the pilot’s flight hours within the VA.